QLD: DEWS Confirms ENM Requirement

December 14, 2017


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An Accredited Embedded Network Manager is required to be appointed at Embedded Networks in Queensland.

In a letter to stakeholders, the Department of Energy and Water Supply (DEWS) has today confirmed that Queensland Embedded Networks require an Embedded Network Manager (ENM) be appointed, as per Section 2.5.1 (d1) of the National Electricity Rules, given certain criteria is met. After determining that section 23(2) of the Electricity Act 1994 does “not prevent embedded network customers from accessing the competitive electricity market”, the Department has confirmed that an ENM will have to be appointed.

DEWS will provide further information on the Embedded Networks Rule and fact sheets for stakeholders which will be available on the department’s website.

For more information about the rule change, please click here.

Do you have to appoint an Embedded Network Manager?

If your Embedded Network has 30 customers or more and is part of at least one of the following network exemption classes – ND10, NR1, NR2, NR3, NR5 or NR6 – an ENM will most likely be required.

The AER has created an interactive tool that can assist you with determining your requirements; otherwise, please Contact Us.

Transitional Arrangements

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has issued a ‘Notification of transitional arrangements’ regarding the Embedded Networks Rule. The notification states that the AER will allow an initial transition period until 31 March 2018 for Embedded Networks to comply with the new requirements.

You can view the notification on the AER website.

Accredited ENM – ENM Solutions

ENM Solutions is an AEMO Accredited Embedded Network Manager (ENM). If you’ve got questions surrounding your requirement to appoint an Embedded Network Manager, or if you would like a proposal for ENM services, please Contact Us.

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